We are not your typical property management firm working with large corporations that own huge real estate portfolios. We are a local company living in Richmond, walking our dogs, raising our families. Our clients are just like us. We feel that Richmond needs a company to help people just like us.
Our clients are people who invest in real estate for their retirement, or who are waiting for the market value to increase so they can sell. They need a company that will help them take care of their homes to ensure that their homes are protected and maintained.
Our tenants are people who are looking for a home. Not necessarily an apartment or part of a complex, but rather a part of a neighborhood, or a community. They are looking for a company who will help find a home for them. Who will assist them with their needs; help them find their place in their new community.
Dudley Resources saw that there was a need in the Richmond area for a company like us. So we are here for you.